I cannot express myself clearly enough to convey our gratitude , Ben. Our life is blessed with good health, happy children, caring friends and supportive family and now we feel blessed that you, Marisa and Martina created our wedding and Guys 50th.
Thank-you Ben.
It was perfect for us because you supported my ideas and developed them to create the most beautiful event for our dreams to become reality. Seeing the enjoyment that our guests shared with us dining in stunning environments was such a joy for us and made them feel as special as we did. Marisa’s natural talent with colour and texture and beauty to personalize our events have inspired many of our teenage female guests who now want to study design.
Thank-you Marisa.
Thank-you Martina.
Our week in Italy to celebrate our marriage and Guys 50th was the best week we have shared together.
VENUE: Villa Francesca
FLOWERS: Le Petit Jardin